Consider it is done

Globally connected, Locally invested. Go beyond logistics, make the world go round and revolution business.

Our collection staff will approach you as per the time agreed by you allowing packing the parcel for your confirmation. You can send anything through our services Parcel 2 Day!

We have access to the most advanced air facilities and sea facilities. As soon as our staffs collect your parcel, it will be sent on the next shipment as per your interest. If the parcel is heavy and bigger in size then it will be shipped on sea and if your parcel contains any valuable items that are small in size then it will fly on air ensuring fast delivery.

See our process

What makes us the best
partner for you?

Our Services

We are organized

We work internationally

Extra carefully

Fast and efficient

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Book Your Parcel Now By Using Our New Automated System That Will Allow You To Track Your Parcel And Provide Parcel Collection And Drop Off Services.



+0141 6288 999

7 days a week / 9:30 - 16:30
Book Your Parcel!